This comic is currently on hiatus. In truth I just couldn't update this andUnCONventional with my schedule. As UnCONventional is set to wrap at the end of 2019 though, I intend to return to Crosarth in mid 2020. Thank you for your patience.
Indeed! Ssslllllooooooooooowwwwwwlllllyyyyyy…….
Seriously: Morris & the PM are playing with fire. They’d better have ALL their ducks in a row before they go forward with this, is all I’m saying….
A plot is a foot!
Just very slowly! 😛
Indeed! Ssslllllooooooooooowwwwwwlllllyyyyyy…….
Seriously: Morris & the PM are playing with fire. They’d better have ALL their ducks in a row before they go forward with this, is all I’m saying….
Is this art imitating life? Pretty scary.
Now, this is my first time reading thru, but, what if the king was evil, and dauntless is a good guy for killing him, for the good of crosarth?
Interesting theory 😉
What, and never said anything about the King’s evil, before or since? Doesn’t sound much like Dauntless to me…