I know hardly anyone ever reads what I type in this blog, it’s sporadic posts only getting occasionally seen by the folks who follow me on other social platforms clicking through on indistinct links I don’t describe well enough, along with the occasional passersby on my comics who bother to scroll down past what they actually went there for. But I had a strange need to write something tonight — to put down some words in this blog which started when I was twenty-five years younger than I am today.

I sometimes wonder about how stable the world will be in a few years with the chaos we’re currently living through. Is it a good thing we haven’t bought a house yet? Will our savings have any value when all things are said and done? Is the world we live in now the final stages of something that will feel like a distant memory when I’m older?

Assuming I get to be older?

I’ve been watching old archived episodes of The Computer Chronicles, slipping back into time capsules of the 1980s and 1990s through the rose tinted glasses of retro techno-optimism. I don’t miss living in that time period (beyond the general comfort of being a child who didn’t have to remember to check the date on spinach at the grocery store), but I find myself missing the feeling that technology gave me when it frankly just couldn’t do as much.

That probably didn’t make a ton of sense. I don’t really know that I was trying to though.

With the current state of the world, I’ve found myself as stressed out as I did five years ago. And honestly, it’s making writing harder.

Which is, frankly, kind of a problem when you’re knee deep in writing a novel and an ongoing comic. Stuff’s moving, and it’s moving slowly. I may delay the fourth Mia Graves novel a couple of months if I can’t make serious progress in the next two weeks on this draft. Peregrine Lake, thankfully, comes more easily just because I’m not doing that alone and I only have to get the gist of certain things down on the page for Ethan most of the time.

This was a ramble, and a largely pointless one. But it’s the kind of post I used to write here every week for years. I spent a lot of time reworking stuff on this site the last few days, even though almost all of it’s invisible. Like it is no longer unusable on a smart phone now. Because of that I ended up testing and looking at stuff I hadn’t really poked at in a really, really long time.

And I know in a few days I’ll write a new post here about the Shadowcasting eBook becoming available on other platforms beyond Kindle — so this will shuffle off the main page of my site and down the list into the abyss on the comic sites where no one will read this… but I just felt like talking, and you were here to read it.

I should probably take a shower and go to bed. I have a dentist appointment in the morning. I am a responsible person with a regular dentist and doctor.

Couldn’t say that twenty-five years ago.

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